VFP2IIS Documentation Support Société


VFP2IIS v2.06 Free (MSI installation complète)

MSI Installation package of Free version of VFP2IIS + VFP2IIS demo examples (included VFP9 runtime)

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VFP2IIS 2.06 Free version (All files in Zip)

If you want to install in different directories rather than that of MSI installation and configure manualy, download this ZIP file that contains : VFP2IIS COM+, VFP2IIS WEB, VFP2IIS APP and VFP2IIS HELP

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VFP2IIS v2.06 : COM+ (Component only)

Implementation for server (minimal version or update) 

Free version of VFP2IIS in ZIP file without vfp2iis demo APPS and without VFP9 runtime (only DLL)

Télécharger le fichier (385.66 Ko)

VFP2IIS v2.06 Free (WEB files only)

Implementation for server (minimal files in public folder or for update) 

(only Public Directory)

Télécharger le fichier (76.90 Ko)

VFP2IISAPP v2.06 Free

VFP2IIS demo examples
VFP demo applications include forms, classes, images ans source code.

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VFP9SP1 RuntimeVFP9SP1 Runtime

If you have installed VFP9 SP1 :  you do NOT need this files

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VFP2IISHELP.EXE v2.06 (pre-release documentation)

La documentation technique va bientôt être mise en ligne sur le site internet www.vfp2iis.fr. en attendant vous pouvez télécharger la pré-version ici.

Télécharger le fichier (336.99 Ko)

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